Friday, July 4, 2014

21 Day Fix Fourth of July Brownie Bites

Coconut Shakeology 4th of July brownie bites. Yummy

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 tsp. coconut oil 
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (might try 1/8 tsp. to start)
1/2 tsp. Orange Extract (might try 1/8 tsp. to start)
9-12 almonds chopped
Orange container of shredded coconut (use what you like I used only about half)
(have some in a separate bowl for coating)
Water (less than 1/4 cup)

In a small bowl heat the coconut oil, add the Shakeology coconut and almonds while dry. Add tiny (and I mean tiny) increments of water and start mixing with the fork. When the mix becomes blended and feels like it's beginning to stick then form into small bars and dip into the coconut on the side till coated. If the mix gets too sticky then coat your fingers with a touch of coconut oil and form into small bars. They are very filling and they taste great with the orange extract AND are great served with berries!! Happy Fourth I hope you like them. 

So I didn't have time for a video today I truly apologize so I hope that you get a chance to make some it is super easy and takes less than ten minutes!! Happy Fourth of July! Be safe out there!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

21 Day Fix Mexican Migas Recipe

Hi Everybody So I decided that writing is not that much for me.  I prefer visuals and after all I am an artist and I would rather show you with visuals what I mean.  It is my attempt to turn my blog into a Vlog so I hope that you like it and that you get something out of it.

Here is my Mexican Migas recipe for the fix.  I plan to make more videos as I go along my coaching and fitness journey.  Please feel free to join me on Facebook, add me as a friend and I will add you.

It's a day before the Fourth of July, do you have a backup plan? What will be on your Menu.  I am hoping that tomorrow I can make a special dessert for all the fixers out there that need a back up treat stay tuned.