Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Salmon & spinach with tartare cream | BBC Good Food

Salmon & spinach with tartare cream | BBC Good Food

21 Day Fix

OK so I should be receiving my 21 Day Fix challenge pack today.  I am hoping that there won't be any delays with my package.  I am going to commit to this program and I am super stoked about what my results are going to be.

I am a work in progress and I still need to get those few extra pounds off, but I have been working my fitness since mid January and I have lost inches and a few pounds.  When I started my fitness journey I was 132 pounds, and already doing regular cardio.  I did not however, have a structured fitness program until I started Chalean Extreme on the 13th of January.  I was also not going to get a new gym membership because I felt it was a waste of my money and time, since you really do need a trainer to get results.  Chalean Extreme was all done for me.  Oh I failed to mention as my friend and I got half way through the Chalean program we decided to add in Brazilian Butt Lift workouts to our routine for variety.  We wanted to do more leg work as well as build strength.  Busy mom slash student slash employed I just did not have the time for that.

As a result of Chalean Extreme and Brazilian Butt Lift combination I lost:
Thighs 2 inches
Arms  1 1/1 inches
Waist  2 inches
Hips   2 inches
Bust   1/2 inch
Weight loss 4 pounds

Now Sadly I have a teenage daughter with a camera that uses the same card as my little digital camera so my day one pics are gone forever because she somehow managed to delete them.  That made me really sad because even I can't tell what a huge difference I made in my progress.  So if you have a teen in your home and likes to get into your stuff be sure to keep your day one pictures safe.  At least, I have another starting point for my 21 Day Fix challenge that I am very much looking forward to!!

I will be having a challenge group on the 12th of May if you would like to participate please feel free to contact me via email, or Facebook, or my coaching site!  I would love to see you reach your fitness goals for the summer!! It is a 60 day challenge so you will definitely feel great and see results.  I will be working along side Melanie Mitro on this challenge!! So come and join me!!

Contact Lucia Perez
please put in the subject line: May 12 Challenge Group

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Potential Workout Slump

So I have days where I am not in the mood to workout, today happened to be one of those.  I think everybody has days like that lets admit it!! I am grateful for my daughter Gloria who also has a love for exercise like me.  Today after we saw that winds were too strong with dust I asked my daughter if she wanted to work out and she agreed.  The Bum Bum workout from the Brazilian Butt Lift series really kicked our butt and we loved it!  If you are feeling like your in a slump get a hold of someone who can push you along.  Make sure that this person gives you 100% support and encouragement.  If you know the people in your life will do everything but that then you need a coach, and that's me!! If you need support please click on the right hand side for my contact information...If not make sure you are surrounded with people with a "you can do it" attitude!!! Happy Workout!!!

Hey guys come join me on Facebook!! Don't be shy I am looking forward to getting to know you! :)


Hi everyone my name is Lucia Angela Perez and I am a Team beachbody coach!!  I started my blog mainly to share my experiences and my story in hopes to inspire you and help you in any way possible on your weight loss journey.  I am a mother of two teenagers, beautiful girls
Gloria and Isabel, and since they were born my body went through some changes I never really saw coming. The pregnancy with Isabel took me to a whopping 198 lbs.  Now for me that was the heaviest weight I had been in my entire life.  Not only was there the weight but the changes to my skin as well.  Now I have always been a very active person my whole life without physical activity for me was no life at all.  I have always been one to bike ride, fast and moderate paced walks,  jogging and starting late last year I really fell in love with jump rope.  I loved jump rope because it is one heck of a calorie burner!!!  It took me a couple of years, 3 in fact, to lose my baby weight with just cardio, but the one thing that I finally realized is that my body never really changed in appearance.  I never seemed to have any kind of muscle tone.  Even when I got a gym membership and used the machines in a way that I thought was right, I never saw any real changes.  I got into the pattern of getting a gym membership and going for three months strong, not seeing any changes and then cancelling it.  It was very frustrating for me.  Then I would go back to just cardio and nothing really made a difference.

It wasn't until this year believe it or not I decided that on my new years resolution I would get toned, and get the body I finally wanted no matter what.  Then one day out of nowhere I got a message from my best friend Shanna asking me if I would like to join her for a workout challenge.  She asked me if I would be interested in doing Chalean Extreme with her and that it was a 90 day program.  Low and behold it was a program that had resistance training!! Now at first I wasn't sure.  I didn't know if I could commit, but because she is my best friend in the world and I knew that it was important to her  I agreed to do it!  Best decision of my life!!

We started mid January of this year, we tracked all of our progress as necessary and even saw great results!!  We stayed in touch everyday always making sure to push each other along with encouragement, and with that alone I was able to successfully reach the end of the 90 days together!!  The accountability we had to each other is what I felt was the reason for our success, and I knew that coaching others was the right fit for me.  If my friend and I could do it together I know I can help others make it through any program that they decide to choose!! 

I am looking forward to adding more to my blog, look for my Chalean Extreme results next