Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Potential Workout Slump

So I have days where I am not in the mood to workout, today happened to be one of those.  I think everybody has days like that lets admit it!! I am grateful for my daughter Gloria who also has a love for exercise like me.  Today after we saw that winds were too strong with dust I asked my daughter if she wanted to work out and she agreed.  The Bum Bum workout from the Brazilian Butt Lift series really kicked our butt and we loved it!  If you are feeling like your in a slump get a hold of someone who can push you along.  Make sure that this person gives you 100% support and encouragement.  If you know the people in your life will do everything but that then you need a coach, and that's me!! If you need support please click on the right hand side for my contact information...If not make sure you are surrounded with people with a "you can do it" attitude!!! Happy Workout!!!

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