Friday, July 4, 2014

21 Day Fix Fourth of July Brownie Bites

Coconut Shakeology 4th of July brownie bites. Yummy

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 tsp. coconut oil 
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (might try 1/8 tsp. to start)
1/2 tsp. Orange Extract (might try 1/8 tsp. to start)
9-12 almonds chopped
Orange container of shredded coconut (use what you like I used only about half)
(have some in a separate bowl for coating)
Water (less than 1/4 cup)

In a small bowl heat the coconut oil, add the Shakeology coconut and almonds while dry. Add tiny (and I mean tiny) increments of water and start mixing with the fork. When the mix becomes blended and feels like it's beginning to stick then form into small bars and dip into the coconut on the side till coated. If the mix gets too sticky then coat your fingers with a touch of coconut oil and form into small bars. They are very filling and they taste great with the orange extract AND are great served with berries!! Happy Fourth I hope you like them. 

So I didn't have time for a video today I truly apologize so I hope that you get a chance to make some it is super easy and takes less than ten minutes!! Happy Fourth of July! Be safe out there!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

21 Day Fix Mexican Migas Recipe

Hi Everybody So I decided that writing is not that much for me.  I prefer visuals and after all I am an artist and I would rather show you with visuals what I mean.  It is my attempt to turn my blog into a Vlog so I hope that you like it and that you get something out of it.

Here is my Mexican Migas recipe for the fix.  I plan to make more videos as I go along my coaching and fitness journey.  Please feel free to join me on Facebook, add me as a friend and I will add you.

It's a day before the Fourth of July, do you have a backup plan? What will be on your Menu.  I am hoping that tomorrow I can make a special dessert for all the fixers out there that need a back up treat stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Eating Better for your Health

12 Ways to Better Eating-Mental Approach

Lots of people are trying to eat better,... trim off some extra pounds gained over the holidays, or get beach-ready for a moment in the sun. Eating better is hard, and many people get frustrated, fall short or give up. Here are some key ways to make your eat better stick.

1. Set Goals: It starts by having clear and realistic goals. Write a list of things you want to change about your diet. Also incorporate goals that you may have regarding your body and plan your diet around those goals. I recommend setting present goals, short term, and long term goals. If you try and do everything all at once you can be overwhelmed and want to quit. Take it one goal at a time if need be, and one day at a time, this isn’t a race. You may also want to write reasons why you want to make a change in your eating habits. You might share your goals with others who will help you meet them. You can put your goals where others can see them “on the fridge, at work” to motivate you to work harder. This will also get others behind you and involved in your new routine. As you achieve your goals, check them off. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and add excitement leading to your next goal.

2. Have Realistic expectations- Any diet plan needs to work with you and not against you. You need to be realistic when setting up the parameters of your new diet. Your plan needs to work for you and your situation. It needs to fit your schedule and your budget. If you don’t follow your budget, your cooking costs will get too high and you will have to withdraw from the diet you set up. If you don’t cook for your schedule and your eating times you will find yourself without food and scrambling to find a healthy choice. So be realistic with time, and give yourself extra time to prepare food, or have food pre-packed. Also know that obstacles can and will come into your path from time to time to derail you and your progress, so don’t think that everything will be easy and will just happen. This takes work.

3. Be Proactive - Make a list of healthy foods you enjoy, and what foods you can take with you to work, in the car, school, etc. You can create entire menus revolving around where you will be at what time of the day. Never give yourself an excuse to not have something available for you to eat, no matter where you are when you are supposed to have a meal. Always keep healthy foods on hand. If you don’t you will probably eat whatever is available at the time whether it be fast food, office treats, etc. This can throw off a diet plan and get you in the habit of making bad food choices and eat whatever is fast and convenient. Know where you will be at what time of the day, when you are open to cook, to eat, to shop for groceries, and plan accordingly. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

4. Consistency is key - Most people respond well to consistency. Make a plan and stick to it. Try to eat at around the same times daily and keep to the same portion size and caloric intake.. Your body will recognize this pattern and in turn keep your metabolism burning and your energy levels will stay high. You will feel better, and get in a healthy routine. It is easy to sabotage yourself by grabbing nasty snacks to meet uncontrolled cravings. The time you spend on planning and consistency is a true investment that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

5. Be flexible - Of course, even the best plans fall short at times. Life can sometimes get the best of all of us. Sometimes your eating routines need to change. Where you can, try to plan ahead for these events and have items on hand you can take with you when you’re in a rush or are eating out. Example: Bag of almonds, protein bars and shakes, fresh fruit. Also educate yourself on nutrition through the internet, books, and magazines. You can use this knowledge to help you improvise and find foods that are compatible with your diet, for example if you are out with friends or stuck with no time to cook. Find items that are less time consuming that you can take with you in a pinch.

6. Don’t be so hard on yourself -Nobody is perfect all the time. If you mess up, miss a few meals, or even have a bad couple of days, just pick yourself up and get back on track. You’re doing this for you, and the added stress of not living up to your own expectations can lead to a total diet derailment. Being healthy and eating healthy does not mean you can’t enjoy foods not on your meal plan. So don’t be so hard on yourself. YOU CAN DO IT!

7. Stick with your plan - It takes time to develop healthy behaviors. After about a month of eating better consistently, you will have developed a habit. You will find that everything you initially may have had a hard time doing becomes more effortless and be a normal part of your day to day life.

8. Have fun - Eating right takes dedication, commitment and sacrifice. Don’t stress yourself out over small bumps in the road. You have the power to change any negative into a positive, and you have the choice to have a positive outlook regarding any situation you find yourself in. Find fun ways to keep yourself motivated. Get friends and family involved. Set challenges at home, with friends, or at work to start eating healthier. Take the time to cook and try new and interesting recipes. You are making change for the better, so why not make it enjoyable.

9. Give yourself praise - You are not a dog so don’t reward yourself with treats. Realize that changing your eating habits can be a daunting task for anyone. Just think how long you have had your current habits and know that changing those habits will not happen overnight, but with time. Congratulate yourself on any healthy changes you make, you deserve the praise. Praise builds confidence and makes you feel good about the healthy choices you are making, and in turn help keep you on your path to betterment.

10. Don’t rush into this - People always start with the best of intentions and will try and do everything at once. They get overwhelmed and quit before they really even started. Small changes add up and can make a huge difference. Work on one thing at a time and keep adding to it. Before you know it you will have many healthy habits that incorporate together to make a healthy lifestyle and a healthier and happier you.

11. Focus on the journey and not the destination - To live a healthy lifestyle is never easy. In order to enjoy this lifestyle with all the ups and downs, we must enjoy the process and the journey on the way to our destination. Once we hit our destination we immediately look to the next mountain top and we either want more, or worst case scenario we think that we have accomplished all we need to and we relax on all of the things that got us there in the first place. Take pride in small victories along the way, they add up.

12. Measure Success and Set New Goals: Making successful changes means measuring your progress towards your goals and recognizing your accomplishments. As you meet short-term goals, you can plan the next steps with more confidence. Constantly re-strategizing your goals takes long-term visualization. That long-term vision needs to be broken down into doable steps.

courtesy of Melanie Mitro at

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Team Beachbody June Promotions

Please follow the link convenient link to make a direct purchase.

Can you say HOT deals!  I just got the word today that these are the promotions for June at Team Beach body!  They are already selling out of the programs.  Les Mills Pump and Chalean Extreme are completely sold out because these prices are incredibly good!  These prices are only good for a few days Monday June the 9th is the last day of the sale.  I purchased the Les Mills Combat for my brother in San Antonio because I know he would like it.  I thought him being single it would give him something to do that he would surely enjoy.  If I had more money I would be buying more programs for myself but my daughter is leaving for the summer and we have to celebrate her birthday a month earlier.  From the time my kids were born I always wanted them to be happy on each other's birthday.  I would give them both gifts on the day of their celebration.  It made for a happier time, but after I divorced my ex-husband changed the birthday rules and birthdays have not been the same!

Long story short my funds are being funneled to my daughter Isabel.  Life has been super busy for me.  I have been advancing as a coach and picking up challengers finally.  I never really believed that I could begin to see things happening in a business.  I guess running a Beachbody business is much different than running an art business.  The great thing is I am really happy doing it!

If you would like more information about coaching I invite you to message me and I will give you more information about the business opportunity that Beachbody has to offer.  I am looking to start building my team and bringing in like minded people who have that burning desire for a change and want to work with the best people in the business.  I have been been blessed to find an excellent team and I plan to take this business as far as I can go and I am looking for people that want to join me on this journey.

Please message me or find me on Facebook.  My email is, or email directly at

Did my workout today the Upper Fix and the BBL Cardio Axe.  I started one day later because I was not well on Monday but all is well now and I am on track!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

21 Day Fix and Beyond

So what now, where do we go from here?  It is time to get rolling and get people on track where they need to be with their weight loss.  I am so proud and happy to be able to see that people want to make a change in their life and take the step that they need to take to make a difference not only in their health, but also in taking care of their body.  Yes you can say that you will look amazing and you will be able to wear the sizes that you have always wanted to, but not only that it will spark something within you.  That something will be, that someone that has been hidden underneath all of the habits that have kept you feeling sad, fatigued, and unmotivated.   It is time to start getting people where they want to be.  I am so happy that I am working with my first group of challengers who decided to take that courageous step in their life to get back on track with their health.  

When I became a Beach body coach, like any new coach, in the business I wasn't sure that anyone would even care about what I was up to.  But my dedication to the program and my real interest in helping people has brought me to this point.  I now have my first group of people that want to make changes and have trusted me to help them through this process of being better in their own lives.  

As a coach I am dedicated to their journey as well as my own.  I have even decided to go a second round of the 21 Day Fix, but this time with a hybrid of the Brazilian Butt Lift to give my legs the appearance that I have always wanted.  Now please keep in mind that my entire life I have always had a very soft body without real muscle tone and I never knew why.  Now I understand the importance of strength training as a part of any fitness program, and will make sure that it is a major part of any program that I decide to try.  

The 21day fix will give me another opportunity to get more of the toning that I am after and then give me the time to get the new program coming out by Chalean Johnson that has gotten very great reviews and that is Piyo which will be released very soon.  Piyo is a program that combines flexibility, strength, and stretch all combined in one program.  Keeping our body guessing is very important and Piyo will give you the opportunity to combine Pilates, Cardio, and Yoga all into one program that will make you leaner and more flexible.  

So for the next 21 Day Fix round here is my workout schedule although I have reached my goal weight I will monitor where I am in terms of my weight and when I see that I am going down too much in weight I will go to the maintenance calorie mode which will allow me to still make good progress but not lose anymore weight.  The best part about reaching your weight loss goal is that you get to decide how to manage your progress and your eating habits.  You have control over your progress and you are no longer playing guessing games about what you're doing right or wrong on your fitness journey.

So here is the calendar that I have made for the month of June which starts tomorrow.  I know that it is a little much, but that is how I roll.  I love to push myself to new limits.  I realize that there are people that do more and do less, I am not trying to be better than anyone else.  I am simply pushing myself to new limits in hopes of achieving my own personal goals.  My only expectation is that anyone reading this is doing the same.  I am only in a competition with myself.  Till tomorrow loves nighty night!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Life After the 21 Day Fix

Life after the fix you must be wondering where do you go from here?  I have to say that my journey on the fix was a real eye opener.  Not only did the reality set in of what not to eat, but it also made me realize that you just can't get past seeing results if you are not eating the right foods.  So when you are finished with the program you know what the consequences are going to be if you drink, eat processed foods, consume large amounts of sugar, and basically eat too much.

I am happy to say that I  can live without a lot of these foods.  I know that a lot of people become very attached to these kinds of foods because they are made with the intention to have people hooked on them, but for the longest time I have been living without them.  I would have my moments of weakness, I am not going to lie last year in 2013 I was in the regular habit of not cooking myself breakfast and going to McDonald's in the morning because that was my favorite meal.  Sausage, syrup, pancakes, fried hash browns, yes that used to be my favorite thing to get before a stressful day at work.  I knew deep down inside that I should not be eating there but I know now that I was drowning my stress in food.  I had a lot going on in fact too much.  I look back on it now and I remember the stress I was under working a full time retail job.  Especially in a store location that was being run down to the ground by an inexperienced manager.  Fortunately, I was smart enough to walk away.  The clarity from not being there made me slowly come back to who I have always been, a healthy individual with real goals and dreams.

My journey has lead me to the present moment.  I have had success with this program after not giving up on it and everything that I started from the beginning of the year. I am happy to say that my mindset remains the same only with success in mind.

So now that I am done with the fix I am going to make a new workout schedule.  Since I have been finished I have continued to work out at least once a day.  I do have the option to maintain and eat the amount of food I need to do that so I don't lose anymore weight, or I can continue to eat the way the fix designed it to so that I can continue to lose weight.  The beautiful thing about this program is that after you are finished you are taught how to maintain according to way you decide to exercise.  That's right the program goes so far as to think it through even after you are done.  How can you not appreciate that?  The best part is that you do not have to sit there and write your calories nor track them on the popular programs like My Fitness Pal.  I was using that program to track my calories and it was very time consuming.  It was helpful to know how much I was eating but the fact is you have to eat the right foods.

That being said I have been working out all week the day after I finished I did allow myself a cheat day after three weeks of being good.  My day started with my Shakeology which I had been craving for three days.  It was the most enjoyable treat that I could possibly have.

I mixed it with peanut butter, banana, and milk.  We had some red meat, and vegetables we also worked out that day for more than an hour we did Sculpt from the Brazilian Butt Lift and Zumba.  With our dinner we did enjoy a margarita.  A small cheese tray with olives, it was a very nice reward considering how well I did.

Now I am back on track my eating has not changed.  Today I did the lower fix and the cardio fix with my daughter Gloria.  Yesterday I did the upper fix which kicked my butt because I went heavy with my twenty pound weights.  My plan is to continue a plan for another two weeks and then possibly try the new Chalean Johnson Piyo program that is coming out real soon!

Summer Challenge groups are also just around the corner and spots are filling up.  If you want to get the results that you deserve please join me in a challenge group it will really change your life.  If my story hasn't demonstrated that real results are possible then I don't know what else to say about it but it is possible to get to where you want to be in terms of fitness and health.  Contact me for more information.  Please fill out the online form. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

21 Day Fix Results Are In

I have been writing about my experience with the fix from day one and I have been very consistent with the program following it to a tee.  My mission was to see if the program really worked if followed the way they lay it out for you.  When I started my journey of health and fitness in January I was given the gift of Chalean Extreme by my best friend Shanna, and we both started the program together.  She is currently in California and I am in Texas.  It did not stop us from staying in touch and checking in with each other everyday to make sure we were staying on track with eating and with the program.

A month and a half later I was interested in more concentrated leg work so I invested in the Brazilian Butt Lift workout for the both of us to start getting those bum bums we always wanted and began to incorporate them into our Chalean Extreme workout calendar.  The workouts were beginning to show some results, however our eating was still something we did't have quite right.  We spent a lot of time going back and forth trying to figure out what our eating should be like.  Inches were dropping but the weight didn't change much.
Finally, I discovered coaching, one night I heard a voice that said you would make a great coach.  So I began my journey looking into Team Beachbody coaching.  I found a team that I was very proud to join, the Dream Team, and with that I got my 21 Day Fix Challenge pack.  It was worth every penny.  From this new 21 day fox journey I discovered the secrets to eating right, eating enough, and what I had been doing wrong all this year.  Wow imagine how one program with one simple plan could get you to the weight you have been struggling to get to.

So my starting weight for this program was, as you see above, 132.2.  When I started I was a little skeptical because nothing I was doing before was working to get my weight down.  So I made a choice to make a full 100% commitment to this three week program because I wanted to see results.  I followed the eating plan, I was very strict on myself because in the past I had not been.  I gave myself allowances that I shouldn't have and I would have too much of something like alcohol and I shouldn't have.  All and all, I was slacking in the eating department.  I always convinced myself that the exercise should outweigh the food I was consuming.  I was never drinking enough water.  I also ate bigger portions than necessary with too much oil to cook my food.  Goodness no wonder I wasn't seeing results.

After about sixteen days with consistent exercise and following the eating plan I had to go to a doctor's appointment.  This is where I had the first chance to get on a scale.  Mind you I don't have one at home and I am glad because I know that I would obsessively get on it if I did.  I may get one in the future but for now I am okay living without one.  Then I saw my weight drop significantly to 127.4.  I could not believe those results because I had struggled so much in the past.  I was shocked.  So I continued with the plan as they had outlined it and I thought that maybe I had reached my limit.  I thought well I am small enough that maybe I am done now.  I did not expect to lose anymore weight after that.  Low and behold the morning after the twenty one days I got in my car and drove to my sister's house to weight myself first thing in the morning.  To my shock I got down to 123.8 pounds.  I nearly fell to the ground.  I lost nine pounds total on my 21 day fix program.  Not only did I get to my goal weight but even a few pounds below.  My goal weight was 125 at the beginning.

Now I was very happy with my weight loss results.  I was seeing that my measurements did not change that much from the time that I started.  I saw the biggest change in my waist and in my legs.  My arms and my hips stayed the same.  

These are the measurement results that came about after the first 90 days of my workouts with Chalean Extreme and Brazilian Butt Lift.  Those results I posted in my second post I believe, I lost the most inches with those programs.

Waist in the beginning was 26" now 25"
Hips in the beginning 35" still 35"
Thigh in the beginning was 22" now 21"
Bust 32" still 32"
Arm 10 1/2" still 10 1/2"

Happy is what I am with my results.  I can see a huge difference in my legs and waist.  I feel better about looking at myself naked in the mirror and now on my journey I can keep working towards toning my body more and more.

If you would like to take the 21 Day Fix journey with me I would be more than happy to guide you I have a group forming on the second of June where I will be guiding you through.  Please contact me I would love to help you and see you be successful!

Please fill out my online form and I will contact you as soon as possible.