Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Life After the 21 Day Fix

Life after the fix you must be wondering where do you go from here?  I have to say that my journey on the fix was a real eye opener.  Not only did the reality set in of what not to eat, but it also made me realize that you just can't get past seeing results if you are not eating the right foods.  So when you are finished with the program you know what the consequences are going to be if you drink, eat processed foods, consume large amounts of sugar, and basically eat too much.

I am happy to say that I  can live without a lot of these foods.  I know that a lot of people become very attached to these kinds of foods because they are made with the intention to have people hooked on them, but for the longest time I have been living without them.  I would have my moments of weakness, I am not going to lie last year in 2013 I was in the regular habit of not cooking myself breakfast and going to McDonald's in the morning because that was my favorite meal.  Sausage, syrup, pancakes, fried hash browns, yes that used to be my favorite thing to get before a stressful day at work.  I knew deep down inside that I should not be eating there but I know now that I was drowning my stress in food.  I had a lot going on in fact too much.  I look back on it now and I remember the stress I was under working a full time retail job.  Especially in a store location that was being run down to the ground by an inexperienced manager.  Fortunately, I was smart enough to walk away.  The clarity from not being there made me slowly come back to who I have always been, a healthy individual with real goals and dreams.

My journey has lead me to the present moment.  I have had success with this program after not giving up on it and everything that I started from the beginning of the year. I am happy to say that my mindset remains the same only with success in mind.

So now that I am done with the fix I am going to make a new workout schedule.  Since I have been finished I have continued to work out at least once a day.  I do have the option to maintain and eat the amount of food I need to do that so I don't lose anymore weight, or I can continue to eat the way the fix designed it to so that I can continue to lose weight.  The beautiful thing about this program is that after you are finished you are taught how to maintain according to way you decide to exercise.  That's right the program goes so far as to think it through even after you are done.  How can you not appreciate that?  The best part is that you do not have to sit there and write your calories nor track them on the popular programs like My Fitness Pal.  I was using that program to track my calories and it was very time consuming.  It was helpful to know how much I was eating but the fact is you have to eat the right foods.

That being said I have been working out all week the day after I finished I did allow myself a cheat day after three weeks of being good.  My day started with my Shakeology which I had been craving for three days.  It was the most enjoyable treat that I could possibly have.

I mixed it with peanut butter, banana, and milk.  We had some red meat, and vegetables we also worked out that day for more than an hour we did Sculpt from the Brazilian Butt Lift and Zumba.  With our dinner we did enjoy a margarita.  A small cheese tray with olives, it was a very nice reward considering how well I did.

Now I am back on track my eating has not changed.  Today I did the lower fix and the cardio fix with my daughter Gloria.  Yesterday I did the upper fix which kicked my butt because I went heavy with my twenty pound weights.  My plan is to continue a plan for another two weeks and then possibly try the new Chalean Johnson Piyo program that is coming out real soon!

Summer Challenge groups are also just around the corner and spots are filling up.  If you want to get the results that you deserve please join me in a challenge group it will really change your life.  If my story hasn't demonstrated that real results are possible then I don't know what else to say about it but it is possible to get to where you want to be in terms of fitness and health.  Contact me for more information.  Please fill out the online form. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

21 Day Fix Results Are In

I have been writing about my experience with the fix from day one and I have been very consistent with the program following it to a tee.  My mission was to see if the program really worked if followed the way they lay it out for you.  When I started my journey of health and fitness in January I was given the gift of Chalean Extreme by my best friend Shanna, and we both started the program together.  She is currently in California and I am in Texas.  It did not stop us from staying in touch and checking in with each other everyday to make sure we were staying on track with eating and with the program.

A month and a half later I was interested in more concentrated leg work so I invested in the Brazilian Butt Lift workout for the both of us to start getting those bum bums we always wanted and began to incorporate them into our Chalean Extreme workout calendar.  The workouts were beginning to show some results, however our eating was still something we did't have quite right.  We spent a lot of time going back and forth trying to figure out what our eating should be like.  Inches were dropping but the weight didn't change much.
Finally, I discovered coaching, one night I heard a voice that said you would make a great coach.  So I began my journey looking into Team Beachbody coaching.  I found a team that I was very proud to join, the Dream Team, and with that I got my 21 Day Fix Challenge pack.  It was worth every penny.  From this new 21 day fox journey I discovered the secrets to eating right, eating enough, and what I had been doing wrong all this year.  Wow imagine how one program with one simple plan could get you to the weight you have been struggling to get to.

So my starting weight for this program was, as you see above, 132.2.  When I started I was a little skeptical because nothing I was doing before was working to get my weight down.  So I made a choice to make a full 100% commitment to this three week program because I wanted to see results.  I followed the eating plan, I was very strict on myself because in the past I had not been.  I gave myself allowances that I shouldn't have and I would have too much of something like alcohol and I shouldn't have.  All and all, I was slacking in the eating department.  I always convinced myself that the exercise should outweigh the food I was consuming.  I was never drinking enough water.  I also ate bigger portions than necessary with too much oil to cook my food.  Goodness no wonder I wasn't seeing results.

After about sixteen days with consistent exercise and following the eating plan I had to go to a doctor's appointment.  This is where I had the first chance to get on a scale.  Mind you I don't have one at home and I am glad because I know that I would obsessively get on it if I did.  I may get one in the future but for now I am okay living without one.  Then I saw my weight drop significantly to 127.4.  I could not believe those results because I had struggled so much in the past.  I was shocked.  So I continued with the plan as they had outlined it and I thought that maybe I had reached my limit.  I thought well I am small enough that maybe I am done now.  I did not expect to lose anymore weight after that.  Low and behold the morning after the twenty one days I got in my car and drove to my sister's house to weight myself first thing in the morning.  To my shock I got down to 123.8 pounds.  I nearly fell to the ground.  I lost nine pounds total on my 21 day fix program.  Not only did I get to my goal weight but even a few pounds below.  My goal weight was 125 at the beginning.

Now I was very happy with my weight loss results.  I was seeing that my measurements did not change that much from the time that I started.  I saw the biggest change in my waist and in my legs.  My arms and my hips stayed the same.  

These are the measurement results that came about after the first 90 days of my workouts with Chalean Extreme and Brazilian Butt Lift.  Those results I posted in my second post I believe, I lost the most inches with those programs.

Waist in the beginning was 26" now 25"
Hips in the beginning 35" still 35"
Thigh in the beginning was 22" now 21"
Bust 32" still 32"
Arm 10 1/2" still 10 1/2"

Happy is what I am with my results.  I can see a huge difference in my legs and waist.  I feel better about looking at myself naked in the mirror and now on my journey I can keep working towards toning my body more and more.

If you would like to take the 21 Day Fix journey with me I would be more than happy to guide you I have a group forming on the second of June where I will be guiding you through.  Please contact me I would love to help you and see you be successful!

Please fill out my online form and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 20

So close to the end I can almost taste my reward of chocolate Shakeology with actual lactose free milk, a touch of peanut butter, a half cup of coffee, and a teaspoon of maple syrup, the real stuff that you get in Vermont.  That's right I had these grand ideas of what my reward would be after the fix was over, a fancy photo shoot, an expensive haircut perhaps, or maybe even a new wardrobe.  But then I came back down to earth and realized all I want is my Shakeology.  I have come to love it and I cannot have it for one more day.  That's right I am on the final fix and I am not allowed any sugar.  I have been so good on this program, that I cannot stop now.  I have to see it all the way to the end.

Today started out very good.  I got up on time did my hair, got ready for work as usual.  I did not forget my morning meditation because that is so important to me on the days that I have to work.  It makes me feel more centered and at peace.  There are so many health benefits to meditation, I wish more people would do it.  But for spiritual as well as health reasons I make it a point to meditate whenever I have time in the morning.  Now being on the three day fix they require you to eat every two hours.  I found it difficult with work to follow that schedule very strictly, I have to say it was not easy for me to do.  I did the best that I could and ate whenever possible.  At most there was an extra hour between meals.

Drinking water was also difficult for me today.  Life was just in the way and I had to drink as much as I could within the time that I could to not have terrible sleep in the evening, and not drink so much that if I had to leave the house I would not have a terrible urge to use the ladies room.  Water does run right through some people and sometimes it is not always so convenient especially on the weekend.  So I did the best I could drank about 3/4 of a gallon.  I did not beat myself up as usual, because I don't have time for that either, life is about doing better in the present than the day before.  My food was very good today although I ended up eating well into the evening which was expected since I was running around in the afternoon.  I ended up not eating one of my containers of vegetables, which I plan to eat tomorrow.  The reason my schedule was off was really because I had forgotten about an appointment that I had scheduled at 5:00 p.m. and I had completely forgotten.

My workouts got done today I had the Dirty 30 and Pilates which I love more and more every time I do it.  On the Dirty I used my heavier twenty pound weights for the rows, it was a struggle and I moved a little slower than usual but I got through it.  I did better today on triceps as well, the sting at the end was fantastic.  After I finished with my Pilates, I did an additional two sets of squats with my twenty pound weights which ended up being about thirty five total.

 All in all the day was a success.  Food preparation was done later on in the evening.  I am hoping that at some point I will be able to get into the habit of doing it earlier, but up till now it has been difficult.  The worst thing would be not to be prepared at all.  Having your meals pre-packed is the key to success on the program.  So for tomorrow's menu chicken breast, Mahi Mahi, broccoli, red bell pepper, my harmlessly doctored up sweet potatoes, steel cut oats, egg whites, coffee and another attempt at an entire gallon of water.

I looking for you if you have an interest in changing your life for the better and need that support system that is what I am here for.  My Challenge group for the 21 Day Fix will be starting on the 2nd of June and there is still time to get into that size smaller.  If you are ready for that commitment please fill out my online form.  I want to hear from you.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 19

Here I am at day nineteen of the fix.  Today was a little different in the sense that the food I had to eat was a little more strict.  Because of my life and my schedule I was not able to eat every two hours although I did try to plan it out that way.  My morning shift at work got in the way a bit, and when I got home I was very tired so I fell asleep.  I took a nap because my body really needed one.  My daughter woke up at 4:45 a.m. for some reason so I was up super early.  By the time I got home around 1:00 p.m. I was exhausted.

After my nap I did stay true to my scheduled workout, and I got in the upper fix and the ten minute ab fix video.  I loved the boost it gave me afterword, because it was just the energy I needed to go run errands and pick up a few odds and ends for my food prep for the evening.  During  the upper fix I went as heavy as I could since it will be the last upper fix for the three weeks.  I want to make sure that I get the best after picture possible.  Twenty pound weights were the heaviest for this workout.

For the final three days they recommend an eating plan that will cleanse your system.  One of the requirements is to drink a full gallon of water for the day.  This is to ensure that your system gets cleansed.  Unfortunately, I was not able to finish mine.  I left at least two cups at the bottom.  I was not too hard on myself about it because I did drink quite a bit and spent the entire day flushing it out.

Because you are not having any sugar at all the last three days of  the fix (and by that I mean fruit) I decided to make my sweet potatoes with a combination of the ingredients you see above.  This way I get to have something a little sweet at some point in the day.  I am able to eat this for my second meal and it is quite delicious.

The one thing that I wanted to mention in my challenge group but for some reason got shy about and retracted, was that for the first time today I looked at myself naked in the mirror and I felt very good about my body.  Since the birth of my children, I haven't felt the full confidence about myself the way a woman should.  I never imagined in a million years that I could achieve the fitness level that would boost my self-esteem as much as this program has.  I had already been working out from the beginning of the year but finally with the right combination of diet and exercise I am near my goal weight and feeling better than ever.  Today for the first time I really looked at myself, my stomach, my bum bum, and legs and I really felt beautiful.  I guess I could say I am proud of what I have accomplished so far.  If I could see another person feel just what I felt today I would truly be blessed.

I am looking for a small group of individuals who are ready for that change, and that journey to a different lifestyle.  If you are ready or think you are ready to make that commitment to a healthier you then I invite you to contact me and join my challenge group for the second of June.  There is still time and I would be more than happy to guide you through your 21 Day Journey.  Please fill out my online form. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 18

Well I am so close to the end of this 21 day journey that I can almost smell it.  Today was a bit of an off day because I had an interview for a position that was advertised for management.  I ended up leaving because they were looking for full time while I explained that I needed part time hours.  I was a bit thrown off schedule because they ran late and therefore everything was behind my usual schedule.

My eating was excellent today and I was very happy to receive my new bag of Shakeology.  I very much prefer the chocolate flavor.  I enjoyed red bell peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, lean pork, lean beef, sweet potatoes, almonds, cheddar cheese, papaya, broccoli, coffee, and plenty of water.

My workouts were great I was able to finish both the Cardio Fix and the Pilates with full energy.  Getting to sleep in and get some extra rest was helpful to me to really give it my best effort.

Tonight I spent quite a bit of time preparing food for the next two days.  Since I am in the final stretch I have to eat protein and vegetables throughout the day with very little carbohydrates.  My night went mostly to cooking chicken, fish, broccoli, red bell peppers and now sweet potatoes which I had overlooked.  So they are boiling now.

I will be eating every two hours as well as doing my workout.  My concern is how I am going to plan it around work.  I am thinking of scheduling on calendar on my phone to alarm every two hours so that I will stay on track.  If that works tomorrow then I will be able to do it for the next three days.  I am hoping for the best.  As well as eating very specific things for tomorrow I am also required to drink a full gallon of water throughout the day.  This is a lot of water for me, but I am going to do my best to drink all that I am required to.  Since I cannot really get up very much when I am at work to use the restroom I will have to get my fill of water in the morning, and after I get home.

Wish me luck on my day!!

I am inviting you to join me on my Challenge group that I will be having on the second of June.  It will be a 21 Day Fix Challenge.  If you are interested please join me and we can get through this fix together.  Please fill out my online form.  

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 17

This morning as I was driving to work I was having a moment of prayer, and as I reached the corner of Westwind and Escondido, I was very blessed to see this.  It was so enchanting that I had to take a picture.  When I was sitting there waiting for the light to change I was thinking to myself. "what are the chances that I can sit here long enough to capture what I am seeing?" and I took the chance.  I am glad that I did.

My entire journey with this program was me taking a chance to reach my fitness goals, and I was worried that I may not make it to the end, in fact I am still not there.  I still have a few days left.  But I made a promise to myself that if I was to become a coach that I would give this challenge 100%.  So far I have been true to my word.  I have been able to pull out that inner strength that I thought I had lost.  I found the discipline that I needed so much for this challenge that for the entire year of 2013 I had struggled so much to find.  I believe becoming a Team Beachbody coach gave me that reason fight.  Knowing that I had to be accountable to myself as well as to the new members of my team, really forced me to find my strength.  I have to say for that I am grateful.

Today was good day.  My mood was off because I had a lot of stress at my job.  I got home feeling a bit drained and discouraged.  It wasn't really an option though for me to miss my workout so I got to it.  I really pushed myself on the lower fix.  It was quite strenuous and I got through all of the leg exercises with the fifteen pound weights.  Curtsy lunges, and sumo squats were tough but I got through the entire workout, even though it burned.

My food was on target, I have to say I wish I had packed another red container portion of meat instead of the eggs because towards the end of the day I was hungry and the meat satisfies me more than the eggs.  I did save one egg for the evening so I had a late breakfast.  I love eating breakfast anytime of the day.  I ate it with spinach mixed into it, along with a slice of toasted Ezekial flaxseed bread.

Food was prepped for tomorrow.  I also began prepping food for the three day quick fix which is a series of small meals that have to be eaten throughout the day the last three days of the program.  I bought a ton of vegetables, and meat, which I began washing and cutting up in pieces.  Blueberries were on sale at Sprouts so I bought two large containers.  When I saw them I was like a child in a candy store because blueberries are expensive.  My vanilla Shakeology I mixed with fruit to change it up a bit.  In all honesty, my favorite flavor is chocolate and I have some heading my way because I just ordered another thirty day supply.  But for the three day fix I am not going to have any.

All in all today was a good day.  I came to many realizations and I am happy to share them with you.  I want to announce that I am putting a small group together for a 21 Day Fix Challenge group starting the second of June.  If you are interested in participating please fill out my online form.  Spaces are limited.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 16

I have to say that today was a very good day.  Let me begin by saying that I had scheduled a doctor's appointment because I wanted to voice some concerns.  Knowing that I was going to see the doctor early in the morning was exciting because I know that the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning.  I refused to get on a weight scale the entire time that I have been on the program simply because I was afraid and nervous that I may not see the any change in my weight, which had been a problem for me since the beginning of the year.  Since the beginning I say physical changes in my body but no change in weight.  This was a cause of concern.  To my surprise when I got on the scale I was already down five pounds.  I could not believe my eyes when I saw the number, and after the visit from the doctor I asked if I could get on the scale again so I could get a picture for proof!  They were more than happy to allow me back onto the scale. And as it turned out I grew a couple of inches as well, how that happened I have no idea.

Since starting the program I came to several realizations about what I was doing wrong for the last three months since I began my fitness journey.  One thing was realizing that I had been using way too much oil to cook my food.  Even though it is olive oil, it is still not good, to use too much of it.  Probably from using close to a tablespoon to cook food I have gone down to one teaspoon maybe one time a day everyday.  I have also realized that the amount of dairy such as cheese I was eating way too much of.  I was eating an entire avocado some days when you are limited to half for the entire day.  Finally, I was eating way too many sweets thinking that my workouts were significantly more important than the food.  So lesson learned, there is a lot of truth to the 70/30 fitness rule.  This program has taught me so much in a very short period of time.

Today was my sleep in day following with the doctor's appointment, so I got off to a later start with my food.  I ended up eating my meals later than I would have liked to but I ate everything that I had planned out for the day.  I got a significant amount of water, in fact the recommended amount for the day, as well as my Shakeology. All in all it was a great day.  

Workouts for today were the Upper Fix, and Cardio Fix.   Upper Fix was a killer, I used heavier weights on some of the first rounds to really push myself.  Bent over rows, for example, I used twenty pound weights, and then switched to fifteen pounds on the second round.  Push ups were super hard but I was able to beat my record and do thirteen on my toes instead of twelve.  It may not seem like a lot but it was quite challenging.  On the Cardio Fix I was already feeling tired but I had to push through because this is the final week of the program and I only have this time to really prove to myself that I can do it.  I got quite winded but all of the exercises got done.  Later on in the evening I invited my daughter to do the ten minute Ab Fix with me and she was more than happy to.  Tomorrow I will do a workout later on in the evening so that I can invite her again because the workouts really help her self-esteem.

Food preparation for tomorrow is done.  My menu consists of 96% lean pork, eggs, spinach, green onions, broccoli, mini heirloom tomatoes, red bell pepper, strawberries, blackberries, papaya, coffee, water, shakeology, Ezekial flaxseed bread, sweet potatoes, cheddar cheese, almonds, and allowed two teaspoons of oil and I may just use one.

As I am trying to figure out what plan I am going to do next, I do want to remind that I am putting together a small group of people for my next fitness challenge.  I am hoping that I can get a 21 Day Fix Challenge group together as well as a general challenge group.  If you are interested in participating in my group please contact me the spaces are limited and my groups are small.  Till tomorrow goodnight everyone. Please fill out the form below.

Monday, May 19, 2014

21 Day Fix It's Go Time!

Here we go everybody it's go time this week.  On this scheduled week I had two workouts scheduled everyday till the very end so that is ten days left of hard work.  I have no intention of taking it easy.  The way I see it is I am fighting for my life here.  I am running that marathon and I plan to come in first, and the best part about it is that the only person in the race is me.  What Jane, Joe, or Hilda thinks really doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that I challenged myself to the fullest extent and said YES on every single exercise.

Today I got through every exercise.  I made sure that I got the appropriate weight that would allow me to get to the end.  Last week on the Total Body Cardio fix I went a little heavier and I failed during some of the exercises.  Now in my mind failing is usually a good thing it means you just woke up your body and it is has been successfully shocked, but then I thought I really wanted to get through the entire minute.  Changing the weights out to lighter was still challenging but got me through to the end of the minute.  I found myself out of breath and heart pounding.  It was great.  

After total body I jumped right into the pilates workout and that was perfect because it is a recovery workout and felt very good on my muscles.  Don't get me wrong it wasn't super easy, it just wasn't as intense as the cardio.  I certainly did feel the stretching and the planks are deceptively intense.  Last but not least I just had to do the ten minute ab fix.  I figured I would go hard or go home. That is just me, my tendency is to go big, to really push myself in certain areas of my life.  Other areas of my life require baby steps, but I have to say that I am working on it.  

Today I realized that I only had five days of my Shakeology left of the packets.  This time around I got the bag because you get more days worth in the bag than in the packets.  I won't get the packets again.  So I made sure to stay ahead of the game by not being in a position where I will run out of it.  Shakeology is the most important part of my daily eating because I get all of the nutrition that I am not getting from my meals.  Now I like that the eating plan is balanced for us and allows us to pick healthier choices for ourselves but at the end of the day I want to make sure that I have complete nutrition.  As well as my shake I also take fish oil.  

Food today was on target and prepped in the evening.  I chose almonds today instead of olives.  I am going to leave out the olives for the rest of the fix so that I wont have any extra salt.  For tomorrow on the menu there will be lean turkey, cheddar cheese, Ezekial flaxseed bread, papaya, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, coffee, water, and shakeology.  I am looking forward to the day because it will be another day of very hard work.

I am looking for some individuals to create a challenge group if you are interested in the 21 Day Fix program pleas contact me I would love to get you through with all the support to help you succeed.  You will be able to track your progress, and receive the help you need to succeed.  If you are ready to change your life let me help you.  Please fill out the online form.  Looking to create a group for June.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 14

So here I am at day fourteen and I am ready for the day to be over.  I am looking forward to getting my rest because tomorrow I am going to hit it hard with the doubles workout week.  It's in this week that if you want to you can do two workouts a day.  Now I know that this coming week is going to really test my will but I have every intention of doing it as planned.  I have already gotten a little bit of a taste of working out twice a day because this last week I worked out with my daughter Gloria in the evening.  It has been great but at the end of the day I am ready for bed and glad I ate all of my food.

Today was a working recovery day and I had to do yoga.  As usual I was feeling a bit of a funk.  I find that the nature of the job that I have currently really drains my energy.  When I leave it's as though my body wants to fully relax, by that I mean lay down.  Instead though I got past it and got to work.  For me it isn't an option to skip a workout, but I know we have  those days where we are just not feeling it.  The difference for me is that I had that attitude too many times before in the past and I have not been successful because of it.  I did what I had to do for my body and I gave myself the proper stretching that I am going to need for the coming week.
What I loved about today is that I got to do a little bit of catching up.  The girls were at their aunt's house and I was able to focus on some things I needed to cross off of my to-do list.  One of those things was my food preparation.  I got it done pretty early closer to 5:00 p.m and  that was perfect.  Today I bought 95% lean pork to change things up a little bit.  Lean meats are allowed so I grabbed some of this at the store.  Normally I try to stay away from pork, beef or poultry because I typically like eating fish, but when I eat fish I don't always feel full.  With all of the exercise that I am doing this next week I want to make sure that I feel satisfied after my meals.  I also added papaya, blueberries, strawberries, almonds, hummus, tomatoes, broccoli, sweet potatoes and my Shakeology for one of my meals.  So I am set.

Some of the other foods that I enjoy that I am happy to see on the meal plan are:
Kale, collard greens, brussels sprouts, asparagus, beets, string beans, squash, peppers, carrots, and cauliflower

Raspberries, Blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, tangerines, apples, apricots, and grapefruit

Sardines, Fish cold water wild caught (cod, salmon, halibut or tuna), buffalo (bison, ostrich, venison), yogurt, clams, shellfish

Sweet potato, yams, quinoa, beans, lentils, edamame, beans, brown rice, wild rice, potato, corn, amaranth, buckwheat, barley

Healthy Fats:
Avocado, almonds, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, coconut milk

Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flaxseed

Olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, pumpkin seed oil

Lemon, vinegar, mustard, herbs, spices, garlic, ginger

Well to give you an idea of the healthier choices to pick from.  I have been very consistent in my choices.  To have balance I have chosen to eat cheddar cheese the last few days but I switched today to hummus.  I am looking forward to tomorrow, and I can't wait to get my butt kicked! 

There is still time to join the May 26th challenge group, if you think that you are ready to make that commitment to change your life, let it start as soon as possible.  There is no time like the present to get into shape!  Please fill out my online form I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Goodnight Everybody

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 13

What a day I am exhausted so I am going to make this one kind of brief.  I always try to be true to my word as much as possible.  A long time ago I have to admit I was terrible about keeping my commitments, and it had a price tag that came along with it.  Not only did I lose credibility with some people but I also did not feel good about myself.  I felt like a failure to say one thing and never do it.  Now we seem to be really busy these days, at least it always feels like I never really take a moment for myself to relax, but now I am going to get off to bed.  Before I go to bed though, I am going to write a bit about my day today because that was a commitment that I made to myself so I am keeping it.

Today was a great day I got my fair share of exercise, with the Dirty 30 after work.  After I headed over to my sister's house to celebrate her birthday with her.  On our agenda was a family workout session in which we did a round of High and Tight from the Brazilian Butt Lift videos, and my daughter and I did another 10 Minute Ab Fix workout to make sure we got everything covered.  It was great but now I am super exhausted.

My water intake and meals were very good although everyone else ate pretty healthy this evening I ate the food that I planned for myself and nothing else.  There was some pasta at the gathering but I passed, as well as the cupcakes.  After exercise the day was spent in the kitchen and visiting, I love that we can talk about fitness quite a bit.

Although I am extremely tired I still took the time to prep and pack my food because I never want to leave anything to chance.  I am pretty much eating the same thing that I ate yesterday so it didn't take much time to get that done.  All in all the day was another success.  Till tomorrow lovely people.

Friday, May 16, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 12

Hard work is all that I have to say.  I have made it this far in the program and I am past that halfway mark.  I am not going to lie the workouts have not been easy.  They have been tough and I have had to really push myself.  Even in the moments when I have to stop for a second I remind myself in less of a second that it's only one minute, so I push through to the end no matter what.  Even if I stopped for five to ten seconds I jump back in there and finish because that's what it takes to succeed on this or any program.  Pushing yourself beyond what you're used to is the name of the game.  I have been pushing hard since January and it has been challenging all the way.

After work today I was feeling a bit down for some reason.  I am not really sure why or where the feelings were coming from.  For a few moments I looked around my room and I said to myself that I didn't want to do anything.  As though my body had control over my mind I put on my exercise outfit.  I got past whatever funk I had going on and I started my workout.  I was so happy that I made that choice because after I was done I felt amazing.  I felt as though I conquered whatever bad feelings I had prior to working out and laid it to rest.

Today was Cardio Fix and it was just as tough as the first time I did it.  I love that these workouts are designed to keep your body guessing.  So I got through with a major sweat, and I was feeling great.  I had my serving of shakeology afterwords, and when my daughter Gloria got home from school I invited her to do a Brazilian Butt Lift workout with me.  The reason that I invited my daughter to workout with me is because she has the tendency to be very stressed and exercise helps her to relieve it.  She is very much like me in the sense that she needs an outlet for that stress and through exercise it's perfect.

Food today was on point.  I came into this personal challenge with every intention of committing to it, and up until now I have remained true to it.  Food choices for the day were papaya, blueberries, strawberries, cucumbers, spinach, 96% lean beef, eggs, cheddar cheese, broccoli, olives, water, coffee, Ezekial flaxseed bread, and Shakeology.  Water consumption today was also on point.

The best part of my day today was getting the changes in my body noticed.  I attended a birthday party for my daughter's friend this evening and everyone was noticing the changes in my body.  One lady that I saw on Thanksgiving was feeling my arms and telling me how much I have changed since then.  It was such a wonderful experience to be able to feel confident about myself and only at the halfway point.  I can't even imagine what it will be like at day 21.  Trust me I cannot wait.

Well I am very tired at this point, tomorrow starts the cycle over again but this time I will be pampering my sister for her birthday along with the help of the kids.

If you think you are ready to make a commitment to change and would like to start your 21 Day Fix journey I am ready to help you out.  Please fill out my online form and I will get back to you as soon as possible. There is still time for the May 26 challenge.  I am here to help.

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Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 11

Day eleven and I am still in this all the way.  I am feeling better than ever and so happy with my results up to this point.  Today was a sleep in day so another late start to my day.  Sleeping in was great because felt very rested when I got up and there is nothing better than that.  I had plenty of water with my coffee, and another day drinking a smaller amount than normal (of coffee).

Today my eating was very good, I have to say that I am getting very used to not adding salt to my food.  I find that I can live without it.  The flavor of the food I am enjoying more and I am now realizing I was eating way too much of it before this program!  Alas I am cured of that need for salt, in fact, I did not eat any of my olives today so I will have to replace my orange container with something else tomorrow.

Pilates always catches me off guard because there are some exercises in there that are a little intense like the planks, and the leg exercises.  Ultimately though it is one of the active recovery workouts so it should be seen like a rest day.  Now on the program you workout three weeks straight, which I absolutely love, but some people may not be into that.

I got a lot of joy from my fruit today.  I added very sweet pineapple into one purple container and strawberries and blueberries into another.  Mixing the two was absolutely delicious, simple and satisfying.  For tomorrow's menu I am having some of the same but adding some papaya to the mix.  Papaya has so many health benefits that we eat it quite regularly here at home.

Foods for tomorrow are, 96% lean beef, broccoli, cucumbers in lemon juice, strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, cheddar cheese (very small amount) eggs, two slices of Ezekial flaxseed bread, water, coffee, and last but not least my shakeology.

I am loving this program so much it has brought me back to a positive place in my life. I am hoping I can help others get to this place it is amazing!

There is still time to get into my challenge group on the 26th of May if you are interested please fill out the online form I would love to have you!  

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Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 10

Here I am almost to the halfway mark and I am going strong.  I have to say it's nice to be out of school because my mind is more clear and I have more time to focus on the little things.  I know life can get hectic for most of us but I realize that we live in a place where we are busy!  From the time we get up to the time we get to sleep the things that need to get done seem endless.

So today was a great start I woke up feeling rested.  I have been noticing that I am not drinking as much coffee in the morning as I used to.  I would seriously drink approximately four cups in the morning everyday with creamer and my liquid leaf stevia.  It seemed like I was going through pot after pot of coffee.  I would even drink it in the afternoon.  Since I have started the program I have naturally weened down to about two and a half cups in the morning and about one cup in my shakeology per day.  For me that is a lot, but I find that I am not sluggish or tired throughout the day anymore.  I can attribute that to the change in diet, and adding more water to my day.

Today was a successful workout I did the lower fix earlier in the day.  I went with my fifteen pound weights for the entire workout and I felt that with all of the movement involved it was right for this round.  I may push myself to try the twenty pound weights next week in the final round but I am not decided yet.  Pushing myself is something I always try to do.  We tackled a variety of squats, lunges, and leg work on the floor.  It was a relief to get to work on the floor after doing the harder exercises first but alas I powered through.

Eating was great.  I managed to stay on target with my meals.  I have been making my shakeology about midday and only drinking half of it and saving the rest for later.  It is working as my sweet treat since I have been using the chocolate packets for the fix.  I am saving the vanilla packets for when I can add more food to my plan and have that shake with almond milk.  So for now I am just having the chocolate flavor.  My meals are getting more creative.  I find that whatever I have packed for myself in my box I can create meals with what I have in there.  To keep from getting sloppy or I pre-pack everything the night before as you see here and that is all I eat the next day.

I do not have time in the day to fuss with fancy recipes I find that I am too busy for that.  So doing this helps me to not only save time but to stay on target with the plan.  I don't eat anything that I don't have in my box.  That takes discipline and that is what is going to bring me success.  The foods that I pack are fresh vegetables.  I try to eat them as fresh as possible because this is going to make a huge difference in the my skin and how I feel from day to day.

So I did my workout earlier in the day after I got home from work and I thought I was done for the day. Then later on in the evening my beautiful daughter Gloria wanted to workout, so I challenged her to do the lower fix with me and we got to workout together.  We not only did the lower fix, but we also did the ten minute ab fix as you can see at the top of the post.  It was so much fun to work out with my daughter.  She is so much like me and I love having that time to bond with her.  She was in some serious pain but she kept on saying "oh beautiful pain" so I know that she loved the workout.  

So I have been inviting you to join me in a 21 day fix challenge group.  I am really looking forward to helping you get into the best shape of your life.  I love being a coach it brings me so much happiness and I would love for you to feel the same way I do.  Please fill out the online form and let me help you reach your fitness goals.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 9

Here I am at day nine! I am so happy to say that I am almost at the halfway mark of this program.  I can't believe that I have made it this far with the kind of discipline that I have been missing from my life for the last three years.  I knew it was in there somewhere and from the changes that I am beginning to see and feel I will get some great results.  I have posted a few pictures of myself, but my final pictures I will show at the end the way that they are supposed to.

So today was a little different because I did not get up at my usual time in the morning of 5:00 a.m. and start my day.  I got up this morning and got the kids breakfast and ready for school, but soon after I went right back to bed.  Today I had the day off from school and the day off from work so I finally had some time to really catch up on sleep that I felt I needed.  I can't emphasize enough how important it is to be rested.  The body needs to rest in order for the progress you are making to work.  So I got up at about 10:00 a.m. which really got me off to a late start.  I had my coffee and water, and then I grabbed a banana half and my Shakeology and took off to school to get my final grade and my project.

When I got home I got ready right away to do my workout, which today was the Upper Fix.  Now today I tried to lift a little heavier on some of the exercises, where last week I lifted fifteen pounds today I tried twenty pounds.  The reason I did was to push myself.  I got through one of the sets with the heavier weights but on the second set I went back to the lighter.  It's OK to switch out your weights if you are failing to complete the exercise the important thing for me was to get through.  Today's workout, and I don't think I mentioned it the last time, was a lot of floor work on abs, chest, and push ups.  It was just as tough as the last time and I didn't expect it to get any easier.  The most important thing is that I got through it.

Today I had scheduled the Extreme Abs workout from Chalean Extreme's videos but instead I decided to do the 10 Minute Ab Fix from the 21 day program that I was dying to try out.  It was pretty intense and I am glad I did it.  This workout was non-stop for the full ten minutes and we switched exercises every thirty seconds, so she really worked out all areas.

Eating today was on target again.  My meals consisted of 96% lean beef, yams, eggs, olives cheddar cheese, Shakeology, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, coffee, water and a banana.  Eating these kinds of clean foods are making a huge difference in the way that I have been feeling, and I am getting quite used to the smaller portions as well.  Up to this point I have completely left out salt from my diet and granted my foods can taste pretty bland at times but sacrifice will be a huge part of my success.  If I ever get a hankering for salt I definitely look forward to eating some green olives which are allowed on the eating plan.  My last comment is that I have gone the entire program without alcohol.  I am so happy that I have made it this far without it.  I will continue to push myself through without it.

On top of smashing my finger today in between my two fifteen pound weights and forgetting that I put my shakeology in the freezer too long, today was another great day!  I hope you will stay with me because tomorrow I want to share my story with you and how my life has gotten me to this point and on this journey.

I know that there are people out there that are thinking of starting a fitness journey or are thinking about changing your life with a healthier lifestyle.  It is a process and it takes time, commitment , even having some ups and downs on the way.  It's OK were human, and we make mistakes.  We fall down but we get back up.  If you want support, or a cheerleader, advice about nutrition, and a new fitness routine that works with your time and schedule don't be shy.  Please contact me and I will help you.  I am having a 21 Day Fix challenge group on the 26th of May and I would love to have you join.  Please fill out the online form and I will get back with you as soon as I can.  Thank you.

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Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Monday, May 12, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 8

So I have made it to day number eight and I am pretty excited.  I am getting off to a good start.  My workout today was the Total Body Cardio which is what I was supposed to do on the Monday that I started but I didn't look at my DVD's closely enough.  No biggie I got the workout done.  In my workout though I did find that I had to switch from my ten pound weights to my eight pound weights.  I really pushed myself very hard so I had to stop for a second two times altogether.  I didn't beat myself up I just kept going with it.  The worst thing that you can do is throw in the towel if you are getting tired.  The best thing to do is catch your breath and keep going.  My belief is that if you stop you will tell yourself it's OK to quit and you are only giving up on yourself.  Change takes hard work it takes getting out of your comfort zone and going against the grain.  If you never stop to tell yourself that you may always be stuck.

When I finished my 21 Day Fix workout I decided to add in High and Tight from the Brazilian Butt Lift DVD's I know I created a certain calendar of workouts but I wanted a little extra work on my legs.  The High and Tight in my opinion is the gold nugget of the Brazilian Butt Lift because it really targets those areas in a woman's legs that need to get the work.  For me, that workout goes by fairly quickly and I really enjoy it very much.  I could even do it twice but I don't want to overdo it.

After that I had my Shakeology midday again, with ice cold water and coffee.  It gave me the boost I needed to get through the afternoon.  Although I didn't really have any homework or anything because school is out I still had a busy day.  I found that I had food left over at the end of the day which for me is good and not so good.  The reason I thought it was good was because I am reassured I have enough to eat, but there is the factor of eating late in the day.  I made sure I ate just about everything, but the only thing that I had left was some shredded cheese.

So for my meals tomorrow I have 96% lean beef with garlic and pepper, yams, shredded cheese, eggs, olives, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, spinach, coffee, water and Shakeology.  Now this may seem like a boring meal plan, as I am typing it looks that way, but the great thing about prepping and packing your meals this way is that you can get creative with what you have available to eat.  For example, I will crack an egg over bell peppers and spinach that I have cooked slightly in the pan with my one teaspoon allowance of oil.  Have that freshly cooked with pepper is very tasty to me in the morning and filling till my next meal.  If it tastes bland you can add cheese from your allowance to spruce it up, so it's all about being creative.  When it comes to the kitchen I am far from that so if I can do it anybody can.

So put a fork in me I am done for the day.  I am ready to get some sleep.  Till tomorrow.  

There is still time to join my challenge group on the 26th of May if you would like to do the 21 Day fix in a private group with all the help and support to get you through I am here to help you.  There are some spots available and I would love to offer the support you need to succeed.  Please fill out the form below and I would be more than happy to contact you.  I am in this for all the right reasons and ready to help you succeed.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.