Saturday, May 10, 2014

21 Day Fix To Drink or not to Drink

OK so the weekend is here and yes it is a holiday as well, and typically I would be hitting up the local grocery store for a bottle of wine to relax and wind down the week.  I am going to be very real in this post because I have my thoughts about alcohol and weight loss.  Now before I go there to the deep personal stuff, I want to mention that on the 21 Day Fix program you are allowed alcohol three times a week if you choose.  That seems like a lot to some people and it sure seems generous to me, in fact if I were really attached to alcohol I would do the program just for that.  But the good news is I can let go of the idea of drinking for three weeks straight.  When I started the program I made a commitment to myself that I would stick to the plan for the entire three weeks.  So far I have been true to my word.  I couldn't be happier that my commitment to me is important this time around because in the past I have failed, gotten back up, and then failed again.

When I say failed, what I mean is I will start an exercise routine stick to it for a few days, then I will say to myself OK great job lets celebrate this weekend with some wine, or lets go have some drinks.  A few drinks may not be too bad, so I have a couple of glasses of wine big deal!  A margarita won't kill my progress right?  Well it's not really the drinks that kill my progress, it's what happens afterwords.  So I have been seduced by that second glass I am feeling pretty good, I am relaxed, on top of the world, and the next thing you know I am looking for food.  You see for me alcohol not only makes me feel good but it also makes me feel hungry.  Once the alcohol is in there I am doomed to ruin my progress by attacking the kitchen.

Hunger always hits me after I have had a few drinks.  It's at this point that I may look for something salty, then sweet then a little more salty then sweet.  I really don't think about the consequences in that moment.  I am a free bird, if you will, eating till my hearts delight.  So I guess it's safe to say it's not really the act of drinking that gets me in trouble it's what happens after.  A glass of wine only has usually 125 calories for 5 oz.  That's not really too bad for calories, but after the next glass and all of the food I have consumed it adds up.  Foods I have been known to go for are chips, chocolate, cheese, olives or anything that goes well with wine.

So I have decided that I can live without alcohol.  I don't really want to be anywhere near it.  I only have three weeks to really see some changes in my body and if you ask me it's not asking a lot.  I mean that much to myself to stay away from alcohol while I am doing my program.  I know myself, I know what I will do if I drink and I think I have worked too hard to sacrifice my progress for a couple of glasses of wine that will lead me to a disastrous night for sure.  So this Mother's Day holiday I will refrain from drinking and I am perfectly happy with that decision.  I feel that it's the best decision for me.

I am fortunate to be surrounded with like minded people and there will be no alcohol where I go to celebrate tomorrow.  We are committed to our fitness goals and want to succeed.  And come to think of it when I am done there will still be alcohol available for me to purchase.  It won't disappear from the earth while I am on my program and it will still be there when I am done.

21 Day Fix Challenge Group
May 26th 2014
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